We are a breed club representing the Kai Ken in the US with members from all corners of the nation, following the requirements for clubs and have been recognized in the Miscellaneous Class status in the AKC. We formed to gather and share our love of Kai Ken and the active lifestyle we enjoy with our dogs, compile resources about the history, character, training and care of our dogs, and work together to promote a healthy and active future for the breed.

The KKSA started with the AKC Foundation Stock Service (AKC-FSS) to record dogs and to open opportunities for owners to engage in events together with their dogs, and to provide educational opportunities about the historic and devoted “Tiger Dog” of Japan.

We believe in the versatility of the Kai Ken as an outdoor companion, astute hunter, adept athlete and devoted and engaging partner. The good of the breed must come first in all that we decide as a club of owners, breeders and enthusiasts, and our motto, “Kai CAN!,” reflects our optimism and initiative as we help each other, represent the breed and just delight in everything we do with our Kai.


Rescue Disclaimer:

The Kai Ken Society of America, hereafter KKSA, does not engage in, sanction, or otherwise provide logistical, financial, or technical support, directly or indirectly, for animal rescue activities. While we recognize the importance of animal rescue, the KKSA, as an organization, will never accept a dog into its direct care.

While individual KKSA members may help facilitate the rehoming of a dog or provide assistance that a formal rescue may provide, they do so solely in their personal capacities as individuals. Individuals engaged in rescue activities or the rehoming of dogs are not representatives of the KKSA, its Board, or its broader membership. Members who engage in rescue activities are not permitted to use their affiliation with the KKSA as a credential when engaging in rescue or rehoming activities.

If you have a Kai Ken that needs to be rehomed, we encourage you to contact the breeder of your dog for assistance, if possible.